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Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms, Treatment and Alcohol Detox Duration

The brain has tremendous capacity to heal, but it doesn’t heal quickly. In general, PAWS symptoms peak around four to eight weeks after quitting. Most addicts know about PAWS from their experience of quitting and then relapsing because they felt terrible, they just don’t have a name for it. If you suspect you or someone you know is experiencing this form of withdrawal, seek medical attention immediately.

It’s rare for people going through alcohol withdrawal to experience hallucinations more than 48 hours after their last drink. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can start as early as two hours after your last drink, but it’s most likely to start between six hours to a day after your last drink, according to guidelines from American Family Physician. If your symptoms are more severe, you may need to stay in the hospital. This is so your doctor can monitor your condition and manage any complications.

Outlook for alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Delirium tremens may prove highly dangerous and even life-threatening if left untreated. Eating healthy fruits and vegetables can help you balance the sugar levels that your body is used to. This thought process can be a useful mental tool when the physical pain of withdrawal is most severe.

A ceiling dose of 60 mg of diazepam or 125 mg of chlordiazepoxide is advised per day.[18] After 2-3 days of stabilization of the withdrawal syndrome, the benzodiazepine is gradually tapered off over a period of 7-10 days. Patients need to be advised about the risks and to reduce the dose, in case of excessive drowsiness. In in-patient settings where intense monitoring is not possible due to lack of trained staff, a fixed dose regimen is preferred. Other treatment options to manage alcohol withdrawal symptoms include anticonvulsants. Evidence suggests that some anticonvulsants (e.g., carbamazepine, valproic acid, gabapentin, and tiagabine) can reduce mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms and prevent seizures (Ait-Daoud et al., 2006; Myrick et al., 2005, 2009).

When to see a doctor

Therefore, chronic use of alcohol leads to an up regulation of glutamate to maintain CNS homeostasis. This CNS excitation is clinically observed as symptoms of alcohol withdrawal in the form of autonomic over activity such as tachycardia, tremors, sweating and neuropsychiatric complications such as delirium and seizures. Historically, several mechanisms have been suggested to play a role in the development and etiology of AWS. Initially, the researchers thought that withdrawal might be caused by the nutritional deficiencies [10,11]. Some of the complications of withdrawal (e.g., seizures) were thought to result directly from alcohol use or intoxication [12].

  • Treating alcohol withdrawal is a short-term fix that doesn’t help the core problem.
  • Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are the primary reason that many people relapse when they attempt to quit.
  • Alcohol use is a pervasive problem that is taking an increasing toll on the world’s population.
  • Many people are afraid that if they quit drinking, withdrawal symptoms could be difficult to manage, or even dangerous.

Often, people will be tempted to turn back to alcohol to ease the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms. BZD’s are the drugs of choice for AWS in most of the treatment settings; however, anti-convulsant drugs may represent suitable alternatives. There are several potential advantages to using anti-convulsant drugs. Use of an anti-convulsant drug decreases the probability of a patient experiencing a withdrawal seizure, thereby reducing the complications of AWS.

General supportive care

Most importantly no reports of serious medical complications among AWS outpatients were found in this review except that one patient suffered a seizure after the start of detoxification [29]. However, Myrick and Anton (1998) suggested that the inpatient detoxification provided the safest setting for the treatment of AW, because it ensured that patients would be carefully monitored and appropriately supported. Compared with outpatient facilities, inpatient clinic may provide better continuity of care for patients who begin treatment while in the hospital.

Cure for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The World Development Report [1] found that the alcohol related disorders affects 5-10% of the world’s population each year and accounted for 2% of the global burden of disease. Globally alcohol consumption has increased in recent Cure for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms decades, with most of the increase in developing countries. Increase is more in countries where use of alcohol is traditionally less on population level and methods of prevention, control or treatment are not easily available.

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A minority of patients develop very severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome, including delirium tremens. These symptoms involve disturbances in a wide range of neurotransmitter circuits that are implicated in alcohol pathway and reflect a homeostatic readjustment of the central nervous system [7–9]. A fixed daily dose of benzodiazepines is administered in four divided doses.

Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms, Treatment and Alcohol Detox Duration

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